A couple of resources for my fellow survivors:
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Alone: Survivors Supporting Survivors is the 26th annual Healing
After Suicide Conference of the American Assn. of Suicidology and American Fdn.
for Suicide Prevention. It takes place Saturday, April 12, at the Century Plaza
Hyatt Regency in Los Angeles, following the Never Alone AAS conference for researchers and mental health professionals. Click on Registration Materials for the conference and see pp. 25-26 for the program of workshops for suicide loss survivors, which looks varied and well-planned. Registration is $135
for non-members before March 15, $150 thereafter (see p. 41 for rates and
registration form); scholarships are available (see p. 27). Hope to meet some
of you there!
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I finally started reading Unfinished Conversation: Healing from Suicide and Loss – A Guided
Journey by Robert Lesoine (Parallax Press, 2013). It is a sensitive, honest
blend of suicide loss memoir, journal exercises, and meditation prompts, much
of it with a Buddhist perspective. At first, the author’s losing a best friend to
suicide in middle age seemed far removed from losing a teenage or young adult child.
But there is much to learn from and relate to here for anyone who is mourning
the interruption of years of close conversation with a loved one. Lesoine
suggests not only writing letters to the person but creating two-way
conversations with them, including “do-over” dialogs about their suffering. Sample
chapter titles: Disregarded Warnings; Unanswered Questions; Emotional Roller
Coaster; Revealing the Shadow; Abandoned; Saying Goodby to My Buddy.
I will be adding this book to the Resources
pages of this blog and would welcome hearing about books that have helped you
on the mourner’s path.
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